A Better World (Pastor Ken Gilliard; abetterworldcharlotte.org) is having its annual golf tournament on September 11, 2023, at Ballantyne Country Club. Please sign up soon for this event in support of at-risk kids in West Charlotte being served by this ministry, and for the lifelong work of Pastor Ken and his staff led by Taylor Justice.
See the information below for event details and sponsorship opportunities.
Long View Men’s Ministry leadership encourages those of you who live in the Charlotte area and play golf to put your teams together now and sign up for this event. This event is a great way to introduce and invite men who are not yet part of our Bible Study Group to get involved. There are several levels of sponsorship options for you to consider. Our ministry encourages you to be generous in your support of the work being done at A Better World.
Sponsorships: A Better World | Kindful
Register to play: A Better World | Kindful